Masterkey Management Ltd.’s managing director, Sharika Tucci, was humbled and honored to have been presented with BlackBook Promotion’s ‘Woman of the Year Award’ during the 2018 Women’s Empowerment Summit for her continued commitment to bettering the lives of others. It was stated “Sharika is genuinely passionate about helping others. This passion extends to both her professional life and personal life. She has always expressed a desire to help those most vulnerable including seniors and children. This has led her to serve in her capacity as a Board member of Westmeath, a Board member of the Foster Parent’s Association as well as becoming a Foster Parent. In her professional life, it is not uncommon for a routine 5 minute visit or call to a client to wind up being over an hour as they pour out their heartfelt concerns to her over personal matters as she provides a comforting ear and heartfelt advice.” BlackBook Promotion’s Carla Saunders Zuill expressed the impact that Sharika has had on her life and the life of others. Sharika shared “My desire is always to see people just be the best that they can be. That is my purpose in life, to be the support that people need, whatever that might be, so I am just grateful that God has put me in a position that I can do that.”